Sandy and I have spent so much time indoors this winter that we are both very low on vitamin D. Lack of sunlight lowers your vitamin D reserves and, according to the latest health warnings, this is very bad for your bones.
Not so long ago you could not be in the sun, now you must be. Avoiding life risks is a risk you must take.
But there's more: I work from home and when you work from home it is important to have regular breaks and talk to someone. If you don't do this (talk to someone) you gradually lose your voice until it fades away completely and people can't hear you. Scary. So, I talk to Sandy.
- hey Sandy .... go outside and look at the daffodils
- what for?
- to see how wint ...
- to see bloody what???

(to see how winter is put on notice and leaves)

I don't even bother to reply. She can be so rude. She curls up turning 360 degrees on the other direction. Sandy, like all cats, only cares about herself; daffodils are not high in her priorities, not in the way that sardines are, for example, or Freddy G.
the way, talking of Freddy. We are cat-sitting him. Gonçalo is away
somewhere and he asked me to feed the cat in his absence. I thought it
would be easier to have him here with us; he could keep Sandy company, I
wouldn't have to come and go to feed him two or three times a day and,
of course, I would have the pleasure of watching them both bumming
around all day in such panache.
thing is that it is the second time this month that I am cat-sitting
Freddy G. It hit me the other day. I have so many unanswered questions
about Gonçalo.
'So, where are you going Gonçalo?' -I asked him the first time, 3 and a half weeks ago - some well-earned holidays?' (I asked that out of politeness as I don't think he works too hard at all). His reply left me wondering.
about it: if he is not working (which I don't really know for sure) how
does Gonçalo make a living? Because money, he does have it.
Well, that's all for now. Sandy's post follows (I think).
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