Sandy has a cute boyfriend. He lives next door and belongs to a nice man who speaks with a foreign accent. They moved here about 1 year ago. One evening, last summer, shortly after Sandy and Freddy became friends, my neighbour knocked at my door and he asked me very politely if I minded that Sandy came to eat at his house. He spoke about her as if Sandy were my daughter or my sister, not my pet. I found that very funny. I said I did not mind and since then she spends a lot of time there. He often feeds her sardines (that awfully smelly fish), but Sandy loves it and has got used to eating them and now I have trouble for her to eat the food that I usually give her.

El gato de la foto es Federico, mi novio. Yo le llamo Freddy. Freddy G. La letra G. es por Gonçalves.
El amo de Freddy es portugués. Un hombre un poco solitario y melancólico que da a Freddy sardinas frescas. Freddy está muy bien alimentado, mejor que yo, que sólo me alimento de comida enlatada y galletas para gatos. Según Freddy, parece que a los portugueses les encantan las sardinas y las comen muy a menudo.
Recuerdo que, antes de conocer a Freddy, a veces notaba que venía humo de la casa del vecino a nuestro jardín y yo, intrigadísima, me preguntaba: ¿Qué será este olor tan rico?
Después de conocer a Freddy fui invitada un día a su casa y descubrí el misterio: eran sardinas asadas en la barbacoa del jardín.

Es una historia entrañable y romántica que os contaré otro día.
amo-ama = owner
solitario = lonely
da (from dar) = he gives
está muy bien alimentado = is very well fed
comida enlatada = tinned food
galletas para gatos = cat biscuits
a menudo = often
recuerdo (from recordar) = I remember
notaba (from notar) = I noticed
humo = smoke
intrigadísima (superlative form of intrigado-a) = I was really intrigued
olor = smell
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