Thursday, January 6, 2011

Los reyes magos - the magi

On the night of the 5 of January the children of Spain come out into the streets of their cities to welcome 'los Reyes Magos' (the 3 Wise Men). Their names are Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar. During the night, like Santa or St Nicholas, they'll visit the children's homes to deliver presents.  With the crisis some out-of -work parents struggle to buy their kids all the presents they want, the celebrations however, go on.

Sandy wrote a letter to the Magi.  I said: 'Sandy, you can't write to the Magi because you live in Australia, you need to write to Santa'.  She took no notice of my words and posted her letter anyway.  Good luck to her.  Anyway, she's been looking around for photos she could post in her blog.  I really love them, so quirky and colourful. I hope you like them do too!

Two pages sorting the thousands of letters addressed to the Magi

El rey Baltasar en Barcelona / King Baltasar

La cabalgata en Barcelona - Barcelona's Parade

El rey Melchor en Galicia / King Melchor

Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar en Girona

In Lleida they arrive by air

The 3 Magi in Huesca (near the Pyrenees)

Los tres reyes Magos en León

El rey Baltasar dentro de un coche en Palencia y los pajes-moteros

Los reyes llevan regalos a los niños enfermos en los hospitales

In Soria the children greet King Baltasar

Arriving by sea in Tarragona - King Melchor

El rey Melchor llega a Gijón

Cabalgata con camellos en San Sebastián

Un pescado en la cabalgata de Madrid

The traditional geese at the Madrid Parade

A photo for the media in Madrid

The Madrid Parade
The Parade in Sanlucar de Barrameda

Plaza Mayor de Salamanca - los reyes saludan desde un balcón

Handsome King Baltasar in Valladolid

la carroza del rey Melchor en Valencia

Los reyes con las autoridades en Sevilla

... and finally,  the Parade in the Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid

Hola amigos y amigas:

Espero que os haya gustado las fotos de las Cabalgatas de los Reyes Magos de este año.  España vive unos momentos complicados, "hay que adaptarse" - dicen.  ¿A qué modelo? Vivimos en un mundo raro, lleno de contradicciones. Que no decaiga la esperanza.

                                                   Hasta pronto,


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