Sydney 2011 New Year Celebrations
Oceania is the part of the world that enterns in the new year first. So Australia and New Zealand are the first countries to celebrate. The photo above shows the fantastic fireworks in the Sydney's Waterfront last night. These are the most spectacular and beautiful in the country.
More modest than Sydney's, but still beautiful, were the fireworks in Hobart
Hobart 2011 New Year Celebration | | | | | |
Pink reflections in the water during the fireworks display |
I went to a friends party last night. I had such a good time, there was so much food and drinks and good music and the company was great. I remember I danced a lot and at midnight we watched the fireworks display from the distance. This morning I was in bed when the bell rang and I could not remember how I got there. I asked Sandy but cats are stupid, they never give you this kind of information. I got up and felt so dizzy while I was walking to the door and shouting 'I'm coming, I'm coming... ' Sandy was getting in the way, I almost fell flat to the ground.
Gonçalo my neighbour was there with a big smile holding a coffee pot : "Happy New Year Matilda. This will clear your head after "last night's adventure". I noticed I blushed a bit when I heard the word 'adventure'. Perhaps he knew something that I didn't, but most likely it was just a figure of speech for 'outing'; knowing how these Southern Europeans speak. Never mind, whatever.
We had a coffee in the garden. I was not good company so Gonçalo didn't stay long. He asked me if I was free this afternoon, he would like to invite me and Sandy to a BBQ. I never met a man who invited cats as well, but then again, what do I know about Portuguese etiquette? I accepted the invitation and went straight back to bed, after taking a couple of tablets for a terrible headache. (Please, please, I hope it is not a sardine BBQ, I hate the fish, the smell, the look and it tastes yuk.
I don't know where Sandy is and my head is killing me so (good night).
¿cómo se dice?
- the waterfront = el muelle / los muelles
- fireworks (display) = fuegos artificiales
- the (door) bell = el timbre
- to ring the bell = tocar el timbre
- to feel dizzy = estar mareado/a
- my neighbour = mi vecino/a
- to clear = despejar
Mis 10 compromisos para el 2011
(mY 10 nEw YeaR ResoLutiOnS)
Hola amigos y amigas: Feliz Año Nuevo a todos y a todas.
Matilda volvió a casa de madrugada borracha como una cuba. Esta mañana no se acordaba de nada, la tonta. Me pregunta: ¿quién me trajo a casa, Sandy? ¿quién me trajo a casa, Sandy? unas 100 veces seguidas. Me hago la loca. Que se aguante y no beba tanto.
Bueno, como todos los años voy a hacer la lista de las 10 cosas que quiero hacer este año (y que olvida una semana después. Por primera vez las escribo en un blog, viva la tecnología.
Greetings to all and Happy New Year - As I do every year (and forget 1 week later) here are my 10 resolutions for 2011:
1 - No ir a las rebajas (stop going to the sales)
2 - Exigir comida solo 6 veces al día (en lugar de 12) to demand food only 6 times a day (instead of 12)
3 - Dormir 18 horas al día y no 23 (to sleep 18 hours a day instead of 23)
4 - Reducir el tiempo de cuidado diario a la mitad (de 984 lamidas a 492) (to reduce my grooming time by half (from 984 licks to 492)
5 - No ocupar toda la cama para dormir y un día a la semana dormir en el sofá (don't take the whole bed to sleep at night and one night a week to sleep on the sofa)
6 - No soy un perro: no morderé al veterinario cuando me vacune (I am not a dog: I won't bite the vet when I get the vaccines)
7 - No hablaré de política, religión o dinero cuando hayan visitas (I will not talk about politics, religion or money when we have visitors)
8 - No me portaré como una 'rubia boba' cuando quiera hacer las paces con Freddy (I will not behave like a dumb blond when I want to make it up with Freddy)
9 - No insultar al cartero cuando trae la correspondencia (not to insult the postman when he delivers the mail)
10 - No me pondré los pintalabios de mi ama cuando ella no esté (I will not wear my owner's lipsticks when she's out)
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